By Andriana
Today I was walking home and I was just talking with my friends and one of them says look at that dead squirrel. I walked over and I saw the squirrel, but it wasn't dead and that is what made me mad. It was lying on the side of the road and it was so helpless. It's leg was broken. Two of my friends were just laughing the entire time because the squirrel would try to move and it looked like it was twitching and having a spaz attack. Me and my friend really felt so bad because we would rather see it dead than have it suffer all the pain. One part that made me really upset was when the squirrel started moving really fast and we thought it was going to walk again but it got up on it's feet and then flopped back down again not even being on it's feet for about 1 second. Me and my friend didn't want to just leave it there so we went up to the house right next to it and we asked them if they could do anything and the lady called animal control and they said they would come. We were excited, but we really couldn't wait much longer. This squirrel was about to die. It's breathing was getting slower and its easy were watery and they were close to closing. Apparently my friends said it has been there all morning in the same place so it hasn't ate or drunken anything. I was really upset that a car would just run over it's leg and I didn't want it to die. Animal control was taking it's time so I had to leave because it was getting late. I hope animal control came in time and they could do something about it. I really hope that they didn't have to put it to sleep. So I am praying for the squirrel and it better not be there when I get off the bus tomorrow.
Life Lesson: Always help an animal in need because if that was you wouldn't you want someone to help you.
Derek writes a lot about squirrels