Thursday, June 2, 2011

7 is for Getting Older

By Alice

So, every sixth grader is going to seventh grade next year (MAJOR DUH!!!), and I'm really excited, because seventh grade is one step closer to eighth grade and eighth grade is almost high school, and you drive in high school, and I turn sixteen in high school (like everyone else, right?), and you drive at sixteen, really want to drive. Like right now.

Back to 7 is for... I'm also just really excited to not be the youngest at our middle school, and also the seventh graders have better team names (trivial much?), and they have really cool field trips, like the Outdoor Lab again. And I just want to really seem older and more mature compared to my sister. Not hard to do, really. And I turn thirteen next January, so, I get to volunteer at this camp that I love, and art camp at the Community Center. I have been at that camp since I was eight years old. Plus thirteen is where you are not a kid anymore. I'm sick of being called a child!!!!!! -_*

Life Lesson: Getting older isn't that bad. Especially thirteen and sixteen. And driving is cool and so is being an official non-child.

1 comment:

  1. But, my doctor says I've got the mind of a 5 year-old. Can I still go to 7th grade?
